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retna (usa)

RETNA, also known as Marquis Lewis, is an artist born in 1979 in Los Angeles. He began his career in the early 1990s by immersing himself in the mural world of his hometown.

His work is influenced by calligraphic elements from Hebrew, Arabic, Egyptian, and Asian alphabets. American graffiti from the 1970s also plays a significant role. He draws inspiration from artists like Jean-Michel Basquiat, Keith Haring, Barbara Kruger, Gustav Klimt, and Chaz Bojorquez.

Famous for his typography and unique letterforms, RETNA blends text, photography, abstract painting, and lines into a rich and complex composition. His works combine elements of graffiti and fine arts. He explores color in all its shades and demonstrates meticulous attention to detail. The overall effect approaches visually stunning and fascinating hieroglyphs.

He exhibits in prestigious galleries and museums around the art world, in cities such as Los Angeles, Milan, Montreal, Malaga, and more.


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