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push (usa)

PUSH is a talented artist and designer rooted in the city of Los Angeles.

With a creative sensibility developed from years as a muralist and graffiti artist with the MSK/AWR crew, he creates striking visual imagery on walls, canvas, wood, and paper. Part of the highly regarded Seventh Letter artist collective, his work is constantly evolving, pushing his own boundaries just like his contemporaries in skateboarding.

Described as “the thinking man’s graffiti artist,” PUSH‘s work straddles the line between refinement and disorder, building sequence with the use of colors and chaotic lines. While at first glance, PUSH’s art may not immediately resonate with graffiti, yet on closer inspection, formative strokes and steady line-work present examples of his expertise.

As a self-taught painter and sculptor, the Los Angeles-based artist credits his early affinity for skateboarding and graffiti, mentioning fellow AWR/MSK member SABER as a key influencer to his aesthetics.

PUSH recently collaborated with Element Skateboards on a capsule collection. Consisting of T-shirts, vests, shorts, caps and skate decks, the collection transformed street wear staples into striking, mural-like pieces.

Push is a well-rounded artist keeping to tradition with dope hand styles, clean walls, excellent color and design, mixed with some great 3 dimensional pieces. When you think about a graffiti artist that is evolving in today’s age of graffiti yet, keeping with tradition Push comes to mind.



« mother tongue » – amsterdam – 03.2020