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maya hayuk (usa)

Hayuk is a member of the Barnstormers collective and the Cinders Art Collective.

She frequently collaborates with other artists and musicians. Hayuk creates album covers, videos, stage designs, posters, and photographs for artists such as Rye Rye/M.I.A, The Akron Family, TV on the Radio, The Flaming Lips, Devendra Banhardt, Seun Kuti, Prefuse 73, Awesome Color, Oakley Hall, Home, Animal Collective, Dan Deacon, Bonnie Prince Billy, and The Beastie Boys, among others.

« Maya Hayuk’s paintings are not meant to be thought; they are meant to be felt. They activate mirror neurons that ‘allow us to grasp the minds of others not through conceptual reasoning but through direct stimulation.’ The empathic emotion of these abstract paintings is nourished by a multitude of hidden references that make them particularly resonant today. A Ukrainian folk motif, a semblance of a Mandala, a cosmos, the image of a psychedelic film… pop culture blends here with contemporary pictorial practice. It is abstract painting, often monumental, full of bright colors, with symmetrical and highly elaborate compositions.

Maya Hayuk makes our psyche vibrate with color, much like music with sounds. If this work ‘speaks to us,’ it is also because beyond the explicit visual references found in it, it is the work of an artist deeply involved in the art and music scene, as evidenced by her biography. These numerous connections diffuse a fragrance of the zeitgeist that permeates her work and firmly anchors it in her time. » – Raphael Cruyt


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