flying förtress (germany)

Flying Förtress (1974) is a German graphic artist and illustrator who masters several techniques, mixing seriousness with comical elements.

The aim of his artistic practice is to surprise people give them a smile, therefore he always leaves a trace of humour in his art.

Förtress flits between the graphic and the graffiti world, between small and large formats, between silkscreens and tags. Most of all, the artist is known for his “Teddy Troops”. This logo is a cute bear illustration with two paws and a helmet. The artist seems torn between representing a cuddly toy and an effigy of an aggressive animal. Some of the elements that Förtress uses are repeated in his works, such as the military helmets but never any weapons. However, the themes motifs and figures are ever changing. Förtress’ works have been shown around the globe, from all over Europe, to Los Angeles, Melbourne or Tokyo.


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