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felipe pantone (spain)

Felipe Pantone (1986) is an Argentinian-Spanish artist. He mostly lives in Valencia where his studio is based, but travels all over the globe due to his international recognition.

He started spraying graffiti at the age of 12 and was obsessed with it for many years, which finally led him to become a member of the legendary European crew Ultra Boyz. Because of his only interest in painting he decided to study Fine Arts and graduated soon after. While studying he realized what art truly is and its deep relation to art history.

Felipe’s compositions offer an immersive viewing experience capturing his unique view of the here and now. In particular his main concerns are internet, information, technology, virtual reality and velocity. Through the internet he got himself an autodidactic education on many tools and techniques he uses in his art pieces. The concept is a fundamental part of the art works. Sometimes he and his team even use 3D modeling softwares to prepare the canvases or installations. 

His body of work spans from graffiti to kinetic art. Apart from the different contexts his art is presented in, it is always defined by similar parameters, such as complementary color contrasts, gradients, geometrical abstractions and pictorial effects of illusion. 

Every single piece of Pantone challenges both motion and perspective!
