Born in 1979 in Linares, Spain, Miguel Ángel Belinchón Bujes, known as Belin, is renowned for his skillful adaptation of hyperrealistic techniques that he freely translates into urban settings since 2001.
The precision of proportions makes his work immediately recognizable in cityscapes. His numerous murals, created with spray paint and without stencils, have earned him a reputation as one of the most promising artists emerging from the vast realm of urban art.
Over the past fifteen years, Belin has depicted the human form with perfect proportions. In his recent creations, he significantly alters his approach by choosing to accumulate various perspectives. This deliberate departure from strict realism allows him to focus on the diversity of expressions and freely convey their nuances. Possessing an innate sense of objective reality, the artist succumbs to subjective temptation, breaking the proportions he has mastered.
Continuing from his previous works, you’ll find vibrant color blocks and texture play. Belin skillfully combines these effects with the lines he draws to impart movement. He also retains certain hyperrealistic elements that are part of his original visual identity, giving his works a unique character.
Belin describes this experience of juxtaposing styles as « Post Neo Cubism, » paying tribute to the work of Pablo Picasso, which inspired his creative shift.